Η πρώτη θεατρική εμπειρία κάθε μωρού έχει την υπογραφή "Καληνύχτα μέρα", κριτική για την παράσταση "Καληνύχτα μέρα", Elniplex.gr, 8 Μαρτίου 2016.
"Με αγάπη και προσήλωση στο παιδί ", Συνέντευξη στην Εφημερίδα "Η Βραδυνή της Κυριακής", Κυριακή 17 Ιανουαρίου 2016. "Το θέάτρο που μπουσουλάει - όλα τα μωρά στη σκηνή", Εφημερίδα "Η Αυγή", Κυριακή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2015: http://www.avgi.gr/article/5985675/mpimpero-koudounistres-kai-theatro Κριτική για την παράσταση "Καληνύχτα μέρα" από τη Μαργαρίτα Λιγνού, Θεατρομάνια, Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015: http://www.theatromania.gr/kritiki-gia-ti-parastasi-kalinichta-mera/ «Καληνύχτα μέρα»: Ένα διαμαντάκι στον ουρανό του παιδικού θεάτρου, Παρασκήνιο, Δευτέρα 31 Μαρτίου 2014: http://www.paraskhnio.gr/kalinyxta-mera-ena-diamantaki-ston/ "Ανάπτυξη της φαντασίας και της αισθητικής", Εφημερίδα Ριζοσπάστης, Παρασκευή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2009: Μια πρωτότυπη παράσταση για παιδιά 1 έως 4 χρονών, όπου επιχειρείται η δραματοποίηση της σύλληψης μιας ανθρώπινης ζωής, με παιδαγωγικό και διακριτικό τρόπο, η εξέλιξη της εγκυμοσύνης και η ζωή του εμβρύου, καθώς και η γέννησή του και τα πρώτα χρόνια της ζωής του. Όλα συντελούνται από την ηθοποιό Αιμιλία Ζαφειράτου, η οποία προσπαθεί να αποδώσει ομολογουμένως δύσκολους ρόλους, που πρέπει να κατανοηθούν με απλότητα και σαφήνεια, υποκριτικά από τόσο μικρούς θεατές. Η ιδέα ίσως ξενίζει, όμως αναμφίβολασυμβάλλει στην επιστημονική γνώση του προνήπιου-θεατή και βοηθά τους γονείς του να συνεχίσουν με γνώση και υπευθυνότητα το διαπαιδαγωγικό τους ρόλο, σε αυτόν τον σημαντικό τομέα της γνωριμίας του παιδιού με τα προγεννητικά στάδια της εξέλιξής του και τα πρώτα χρόνια της ζωής του. Τα σκηνικά και τα αντικείμενα της παράστασης (υφάσματα, σκοινιά, τόπια, μπαλόνια, διαφανής σκηνή κατασκήνωσης, γαντόκουκλες κ.α., με στοιχεία θεατρικού παιχνιδιού και σωματικού θεάτρου), η μουσική, το ζωντανό τραγούδι, τα ηλεκτρονικά μέσα (αρκετές προβολές βίντεο) συμβάλλουν στη δημιουργία μιας ήρεμης, και λυρικής ατμόσφαιρας, με αισθητικά στοιχεία που βοηθούν, ως ένα βαθμό, στην πρόσληψη των γνωστικών στοιχείων, μέσα από την επενεργούσα συναισθηματικά απολαυστική σκηνική δράση. Εκείνο που χρειαζόταν η παράσταση, κατά τη γνώμη μου, ήταν η κυριαρχία του λόγου, σε αντίθεση με την ελάχιστη παρουσία του. Τα παιδιά ήδη έχουν κατακτήσει, ως ένα βαθμό, τη γλώσσα και εξελικτικά την κατακτούν. Άρα, έχουν ανάγκη να κατανοήσουν τα δρώμενα, μέσα από την αισθητική απόλαυση του λόγου και τη νοηματική του επίδραση στη σκέψη τους. Προσωπικά θα ήθελα να υπάρχουν περισσότερα ρεαλιστικά στοιχεία, από γλωσσική απόψη, και ίσως λιγότερα σουρεαλιστικά στοιχεία σε σκηνικό επίπεδο. Ίσως, χρειάζεται τόλμη για ένα θεατρικό εγχείρημα σε παιδιά που δεν έχουν ακόμη κατακτήσει το συμβολιστικό επίπεδο. Ένας επίσκηνής αφηγητής θα βοηθούσε αισθητά. http://www.rizospastis.gr/story.do?id=4950751 "Τα πάμπερς...και στο θέατρο, Εφημερίδα Ελευθεροτυπία, 29 Οκτωβρίου 2008: http://dromenalagadinos.blogspot.gr/2008/10/blog-post_29.html |
Review for the theatre performance "Goodnight Day", Elniplex.gr, March 8, 2016.
"With love and attentiveness to children", Sunday Evening Newspaper, January 17, 2016. "The theatre that crawls - babies on stage", Avgi Daily Newspaper, Sunday, November 1, 2015: http://www.avgi.gr/article/5985675/mpimpero-koudounistres-kai-theatro Review for the theatre performance "Goodnight day" by Margarita Lignou, administrator at www.theatromania.gr, October 26, 2015: http://www.theatromania.gr/kritiki-gia-ti-parastasi-kalinichta-mera/ "Goodnight day": a little diamond in the area of theatre for children, Paraskhnio, March 31, 2014: http://www.paraskhnio.gr/kalinyxta-mera-ena-diamantaki-ston/ "The development of the imagination and the aesthetics, Wonderful New World", Rizospastis Daily Newspaper, February 13, 2009: A new and original performance for a young audience aged 1 to 4 years old that describes the conception and birth of human life. The entire performance is played by one actress that tries with simplicity and clarity to speak to her young audience. It is a unique production which Katerina Alexaki directed with great success helping the elementary audience to understand how life works. The setting and the props of the theatrical performance, the music and the singing with the aid of the video, create a calm and lyrical atmosphere that help to a certain extent in the development of the intended knowledge that arises from the emotionally charged activity. "Recommendations for a Saterday afternoon at the theater", Kathimerini Daily Newspaper, January13, 2009: Parents and children sit on pillows in a hospitable and remarkable setting that was created by Artika, the only theatrical group that presents these types of performances here in Greece geared exclusively towards babies and toddlers. The new performance is titled, “Wonderful New World” and is aimed at children 1 to 4 years of age. The sound, movement and presence of the actress is what holds the attention of the children, even more so, than the extraordinary video projected at the end of the stage. With courage and sensitivity the actress helps the audience to travel where everything had once begun: in our mother’s uterus (a magical tent with the umbilical cord, a place which my daughter calls home) and that’s the beginning of our first interaction with the world. The show ends with the triumphant arrival of the first day that we walked. I feared that my daughter would not pay attention to the performance, but from the first few minutes of the play she sat on my lap and watched attentively. As I looked about me, I saw that all the children were watching the mesmerizing performance of their own birth into this world. "Pamapers at the theater?", Eleftherotypia Daily Newspaper, October 29, 2008: Performances without a moment of silence, where all of the reactions are unpredictable and appreciated and where the actors are in constant awareness of their audience. Difficult and demanding—the theatrical group Artika executes this singular performance that is directed towards children aged 0 to 5 years old, with great success. Children can learn from a very young age the theatrical codes and simultaneously learn not to feel guilty for the way that they react. It is natural to laugh, to cry, to want to hug the actor, to be scared and to finally refuse to leave the theater until they all have participated in the activities of the stage. The theatrical group Artika has not limited its creative scope to only traditional audiences. The group has created a schedule where they host other children’s performances and also have given performances to incarcerated mothers and their children in the city of Thebes. The penal code of incarceration in Greece has a provision which forbids mothers to separate from their children until they reach the age of three. This system is one that arbitrarily punishes small children - the only innocent population - to be behind bars. From this experience the group created another performance in conjunction with multi-media artist Atigone Pasides that depicted the conditions of the mothers who live with their children in jail. The performance was free of charge to the audience and the only expectation was to raise awareness to the fact that little babies are incarcerated and to demolish all preconceived prejudices against imprisoned women. "Babies at the theater?", Eleftheros Typos Daily Newspaper, January 3, 2008: How does a child at one year of age react to a theatrical performance even if it has been created specifically for him or her? The theatrical company Artika dares to and accomplishes to create exceptional performances that hold the attention of their young audience and introduce to them the magical world of theater. We have concluded during both of the theatrical pieces that Artika has produced, that the children take great pleasure along with their parents. Sitting on comfortable pillows embraced by mom or dad, you can hear the mingled whispers of parents and children like the murmur of a fall rain. Enshrouded in the magic all around, the toddlers learn to concentrate and enjoy the spectacle without the rowdy behavior, characteristic of their age. "Yes, there is theater for babies", Kathimerini Daily Newspaper, November 14, 2007: The theatre group Artika presents a performance that has been missing from the contemporary Greek theatrical reality. It is a performance like all others with scenery, costumes and lighting; however, the only difference is that this particular production is directed towards an audience of babies and toddlers. A production that is more honest without the complexities and the codes found in the theatrical productions aimed at adults. The title of the play is “My umbrella” and part of its uniqueness has to do with the fact that it relies more in the power of lighting, movement and music rather than of the spoken word. The team says, “It is difficult, but also very liberating to perform for children of that age. They are not preconditioned and they do not judge. Simply put, if they do not like the performance then they will not pay attention. The performances are unique experiences, but also very challenging for us.” Artika has created a theatrical home that is specifically designed to present performances that appeal to babies and toddlers. The hard work and integrity of Artika has found an enthusiastic audience that is not confined in the geographical proximities of Greece. The group gave a number of performances of their unique work at the International Festival for Children’s Theater in Iran. "Theater for the early years", Kapa Magazine - Kathimerini Sunday Newspaper, March 4, 2007: In a highly cultivated theatrical sphere such as that of Europe, theater for babies and toddlers has found a conducive and creative environment for decades. Here in Greece it is an unprecedented experience to witness the creation of a theatrical production that aspires to engage audiences that have yet to utter their first word. A theatrical production tailored to children ages 1 to 5, has to take into consideration the duration, the phantasmagorical illusion, the succession and the paucity of realism as fundamental parameters for possible success with the eventuality that the audience will lose interest before the end of the performance – remains a constant reality. The not for profit cultural theatrical group Artika dares and successfully delivers this feat with the play “My umbrella” which was directed by Katerina Alexaki. |